Maui 2015

Kind of a moody morning on our first day.
Kind of a moody morning on our first day.
On the road to Hana, you will pass the Rainbow Eucalyptus grove.
Mama’s Fish House. Fine dining on the beach.
A lone palm and a lone lady on a lonely beach.

_mg_0752Yoga on the right. Wedding photos on the left. You just never know what you might see on the beach.

Tikis everywhwere.
Tikis everywhwere.
The view from our balcony.
The view from our balcony.
Lahaina is so quiant.
Lahaina is so quiant.
Some cool art in a Lahaina Art Gallery.
Michael inspects a bug. Lahaina.
Michael inspects a bug. Lahaina.
Kaeleen under the Banyon tree in Lahaina.
Banyon trees are cool to be under. In both senses.
Tikis for sale.
The Condo Tiki
The Condo Tiki
Kamaole Beach II is right across the road from our Condo The Kehei Akahi.
Kamaole Beach II is right across the road from the condo we rented. The Kehei Akahi.
Wild flowers along the shore dunes.
Wild flowers along the shore dunes.
Came across a sculpture in progress.
Came across a sculpture in progress.
Early morning at Kamaole Beach II
Early morning at Kamaole Beach III